how long ago must something be to be considered history? how long must i wait until it has been long enough? did i not find her in time? how long was i given before it was too late? why cant i do anything more?

i love love loooove sal so much they are so important to me. they are the only character ive ever got to play as in a campaign LOLLL but hes pretty funny. sals whole thing is that theyre a rector of some sun church and they got seperated from their wife and made a pact with their patron to try and save her and has just been wondering for awhile now. stupid asshole


Full Name: Salvatore Uy-Rosales
Pronouns: They / He / She
Age: 47 years old
Height: 6'5
Race: Protector Aasimar
Class: Warlock
Alignment: True Neutral
Kill Count: maybe like 3 conscious
Voice Cast: Allan Red

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