Full Name: Wolfgang REDACTED
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 102 years old
Height: 7'2
Race: Werewolf
Occupation: Mob boss of The Wolf Pack
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Kill Count: "idk. thousands?"
Voice Cast: Carl Brutananadilewski

Official Mars from Marsland™ comments

my guido representation

he was originally inspired by rum tum tugger from cats but that only really shows through his coat. and the fact that hes gay.

Fun Facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • his dick is 3.89325607 feet long and 1.125 ft wide thats like his whole thing. its really jarring to everyone around him. he has to tuck to kind of walk around #transally
  • in complete denial that he is aging. will throw a tantrum if you even mention that hes wrinkling. he found a gray hair the other day and went crazy
  • everyone thinks the name The Wolf Pack is the stupidest shit ever excpet him

wip sorry fuck this guy. i hate the godfather


very protective of her and like. suuuper supportive of all her actions? no one really gets why homosexual coworker situationship that drives wolf actually crazy have been working together for years before the court. kind of inseperable

Scrolling Gallery

i do not draw him enough for a gallery. sorry to all check back l8r