Full Name: Kniles Payne Tomlinson
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 19 years old
Height: 5'4
Race: Satyr
Occupation: Prince of Fuselage
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Kill Count: "technically" only 1
Voice Cast: N/A

Official Mars from Marsland™ comments

oh i fucking hate this guy

he was the first character made for this campaign!! since his whole thing has always been my campaign starting encounter

with that being said, he has died every single time his main encounter happens. first time he was one shotted instantly (I LOVE LUCIAN DUSKWALKER!!!!) and the most recent time my players tortured him in a basement then cut off all of his limbs then kept him in someone's backpack until said backpack was thrown into the ocean

Fun Facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • raging nicotine addict
  • LOVES charli xcx like loves her so much she is real in this universe

Kniles was born into the Tomlinson Royal Family, the family that has been in power of the Fuselage monarchy for over 3000 years. However, being the youngest, Kniles has gained some resentment to his older brother Eris due to the fact that they will be appointed King soon, and not him. This resentment is no secret to anyone. It is almost innapropriate at times.

No one truly understands what his issue is though. Not even his parents. Some speculate Eris pushed him down the castle stairs when they were little kids and thats when it all started.


thinks of her as a political power that will become useful when he take the title of king weirded out by them a little. stuck together due to a contract so he has been secretly looking for another personal guard "don't i know you? didn't you go missing recently?"

Scrolling Gallery

i genuinely thought that i drew him more. sorry lol