Full Name: "Sheep" Tungalag
Pronouns: They / He
Age: 28 years old
Height: 5'8
Race: Human
Occupation: New Vintage Royal Guard
Alignment: True Neutral
Kill Count: 239. he keeps count
Voice Cast: N/A

Official Mars from Marsland™ comments

oh they are kind of my everything sorry

they were one of the first npcs made for this campaign! i did not make them to be important or anything but something in my brain just grapsed onto him. and now im a little crazy.

they are one of my favorite characters ever and i have them tattood on my leg. (see: gallery. done by bunniesdead) no i will never regret this

idk. they are so important to me. i stare at this page sometimes its like a stimboard to me

Fun Facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • the name Sheep was coined by Wolfgang. they fucking hate it so much. "why dont they go by something else?" theyre too used to it
  • their favorite color is purple
  • my headcanon for if he was in the real world is that they would be a williamsburg transplant from Wantage, New Jersey and be really really annoying about it. imagine the worst guy at a hardcore show. will try to talk to you about a podcast
  • has a chode

If you asked Sheep what their plans for the future were five years ago, you probably would've gotten an answer along the lines of "Oh, I don't know... Maybe move into the city? Finally do something I love?" They definitely would not have expected to be where they are now! With their recent promotion as a """"manager"""" of the Empress' Court, their job has felt like a big FUCK YOU!!! to their life. Again. Like, what the fuck does that even mean???


very odd friendship? they genuinely hate each other but LOVE hanging out killed sheep's parents and almost him. they are not allowed to be in the same room genuinely cannot stand another day working with this asshole

Scrolling Gallery

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